from heapq import heappop, heappush import arcpy, math, os, string, traceback class Toolbox(object): def __init__(self): self.label = "Carto Visualisation" self.alias = "cartoVis" = [dorlingCartogram,lambCircular,nonContigousCartogram, createDelaunayTriangles] class dorlingCartogram(object): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: dorling cartogram # Purpose: # # modified Python Port of original Dorling algorithm: # and a direct python port by Zachary Forest Johnson # Author: David S. Lamb # # Created: 11/1/2012 # Copyright: (c) dslamb 2012 # Licence: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python def __init__(self): self.label = "Circular Cartogram (Dorling)" self.description = "Generates a circular cartogram based on original Dorling algorithm. Input is polygons with a count field." self.friction = 0.25 self.ratio = 0.4 self.screen_scale = 0.001 self.base = {} self.bodies = 0 self.iters = 100 self.structure = {} self.t_dist = 0.0 self.t_radius = 0.0 self.scaleFact = 0.0 self.widest = 0.0 def getParameterInfo(self): in_features = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Input Polygons", name="in_features", datatype="Feature Layer", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") in_features.filter.list = ["Polygon"] value_field = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Value Field", name="value_field", datatype="Field", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") value_field.value = "value" value_field.parameterDependencies = [] id_field = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="ID Field", name="id_field", datatype="Field", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") id_field.value = "id" id_field.parameterDependencies = [] iter_count = arcpy.Parameter( displayName = "Number of Iterations", name = "iter_count", datatype = "Long", parameterType = "Optional", direction="Input") iter_count.value = 100 out_ws= arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Output workspace", name="out_workspace", datatype="Workspace", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") out_name = arcpy.Parameter( displayName = "Output Name", name ="out_name", datatype = "String", parameterType="Required", direction="Input" ) parameters =[in_features, value_field, id_field, iter_count, out_ws, out_name] return parameters def updateParameters(self, params): """Modify the values and properties of parameters before internal validation is performed. This method is called whenever a parmater has been changed.""" return def updateMessages(self, parameters): """Modify the messages created by internal validation for each tool parameter. This method is called after internal validation.""" if parameters[0].value: fc= parameters[0].value desc = arcpy.Describe(fc) if hasattr(desc, "spatialReference"): if desc.spatialReference.PCSCode == 0: parameters[0].setErrorMessage("Should be a projected coordinate system (not latitude and longitude).") def execute(self, parameters, messages): lyr = parameters[0].value arcpy.env.workspace = parameters[4].value arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True flds = arcpy.ListFields(lyr) fld = arcpy.Field() fldID = arcpy.Field() done = 0 for f in flds: arcpy.AddMessage( if ( == parameters[1].valueAsText): arcpy.AddMessage(parameters[1].value) fld = f if( == parameters[2].valueAsText): fldID = f self.bodies = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(lyr).getOutput(0)) arcpy.AddMessage("Bodies %s" %(self.bodies)) self.iters = parameters[3].value desc = arcpy.Describe(lyr) clause = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(lyr, + " > 0" cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(lyr, ["SHAPE@", "SHAPE@XY", parameters[1].valueAsText, parameters[2].valueAsText],where_clause=clause) if (cursor): arcpy.AddMessage(fld) outName = parameters[5].valueAsText fc = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(arcpy.env.workspace, outName, "POLYGON",spatial_reference = desc.spatialReference) arcpy.AddField_management(fc,, fld.type, fld.precision, fld.scale, fld.length) arcpy.AddField_management(fc,, fldID.type, fldID.precision, fldID.scale, fldID.length) keyID=0 for row in cursor: self.base[keyID] = [row[0],row[1][0],row[1][1], row[2], row[3]] keyID += 1 del cursor self.buildRelationsList(messages) self.scaleFact = self.t_dist / self.t_radius arcpy.AddMessage("tdist %s tradius %s" % (self.t_dist, self.t_radius)) for k in self.structure.iterkeys(): self.structure[k].radius = self.scaleFact * math.sqrt(self.structure[k].value/math.pi) if self.structure[k].radius > self.widest: self.widest = self.structure[k].radius #arcpy.AddMessage("Scale Factor: %s, Widest: %s" %(self.scaleFact, self.widest)) for i in range(self.iters): displacement = 0.0 for k in self.structure.iterkeys(): number = 0 struct = self.structure[k] distance = self.widest + struct.radius xrepel = 0.0 yrepel = 0.0 xattract = 0.0 yattract = 0.0 xtotal = 0.0 ytotal = 0.0 closest = self.widest #k_buff = struct.getArcPointGeometry().buffer(struct.radius) #arcpy.AddMessage("Current k: %s radius %s" %(k, struct.radius)) i = 0 for j in self.structure.iterkeys(): if k != j: j_struct =self.structure[j] #arcpy.AddMessage("k: %s j: %s" %(k,j)) if (struct.new_x-distance < j_struct.new_x and struct.new_x+distance >= j_struct.new_x): if (struct.new_y-distance < j_struct.new_y and struct.new_y+distance >= j_struct.new_y): i+=1 kpnt = struct.getArcPointGeometry() jpnt = self.structure[j].getArcPointGeometry() dist = kpnt.distanceTo(jpnt) if dist < closest: closest = dist overlap = struct.radius + j_struct.radius - dist if overlap > 0.0: if dist > 1.0: xrepel = xrepel - overlap*(j_struct.new_x-struct.new_x)/dist yrepel = yrepel - overlap*(j_struct.new_y - struct.new_y)/dist for j in struct.boundaries.iterkeys(): j_struct =self.structure[j] dist = struct.getArcPointGeometry().distanceTo(j_struct.getArcPointGeometry()) overlapAttract = dist - struct.radius - j_struct.radius if overlapAttract > 0.0: overlapAttract = overlapAttract * struct.boundaries[j]/struct.perimeter xattract = xattract + overlapAttract * (j_struct.new_x - struct.new_x)/dist yattract = yattract + overlapAttract * (j_struct.new_y - struct.new_y)/dist atrdst = math.sqrt(xattract * xattract + yattract * yattract) repdst = math.sqrt(xrepel * xrepel + yrepel * yrepel) if repdst > closest: xrepel = closest * xrepel / (repdst + 1.0) yrepel = closest * yrepel / (repdst + 1.0) repdst = closest if repdst > 0.0: xtotal = (1.0-self.ratio) * xrepel + self.ratio * (repdst * xattract / (atrdst + 1.0)) ytotal = (1.0-self.ratio) * yrepel + self.ratio * (repdst * yattract / (atrdst + 1.0)) else: if atrdst > closest: xattract = closest * xattract/(atrdst+1.0) yattract = closest * yattract/(atrdst+1.0) xtotal = xattract ytotal = yattract struct.disp_x = self.friction * (struct.disp_x + xtotal) struct.disp_y = self.friction * (struct.disp_y + ytotal) for k in self.structure.iterkeys(): struct = self.structure[k] struct.new_x += struct.disp_x + 0.5 struct.new_y += struct.disp_y + 0.5 #done += 1 #displacement = displacement / bodies i_cur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc, ["SHAPE@",,]) for k in self.structure.iterkeys(): buff = self.structure[k].getArcPointGeometry().buffer(self.structure[k].radius) i_cur.insertRow([buff, self.structure[k].value, self.structure[k].ident]) del i_cur def buildRelationsList(self, messages): try: arcpy.AddMessage("Build relations list") for k in self.base.iterkeys(): k_geom = self.base[k][0] if not self.structure.has_key(k): struct = relationObject(self.base[k][4],int(self.base[k][3])) struct.orig_x = int(self.base[k][1]) struct.orig_y = int(self.base[k][2]) struct.new_x = struct.orig_x struct.new_y = struct.orig_y self.structure[k] = struct #self.structure[k].perimeter = k_geom.length for j in self.base.iterkeys(): if k != j: if k_geom.touches(self.base[j][0]): ##arcpy.AddMessage("%s Touches %s" %(k,j)) inter_geom = k_geom.intersect(self.base[j][0], 2) self.structure[k].addBoundary(j, inter_geom.length) self.structure[k].perimeter += inter_geom.length ##arcpy.AddMessage( "%s touches %s with length %s" %(k,j,inter_geom.length)) i = 1 for k in self.structure.iterkeys(): for j in self.structure[k].boundaries.iterkeys(): if j>0: if j < k: xd = self.structure[k].orig_x - self.structure[j].orig_x yd = self.structure[k].orig_y - self.structure[j].orig_y self.t_dist += math.sqrt(xd*xd+yd*yd) self.t_radius += math.sqrt(self.structure[k].value/math.pi) + math.sqrt(self.structure[j].value/math.pi) i += 1 except: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) msgs = "ArcPy ERRORS:\n" + arcpy.GetMessages(2) + "\n" arcpy.AddError("While building a relationship list the following errors occured:") arcpy.AddError(pymsg) arcpy.AddError(msgs) class createDelaunayTriangles(object): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: delauney triangulation # Purpose: # # Python Port of Paul Bourke original C implementation, and Morten Nielsen's # Dot Net port # Author: David S Lamb # # Created: 11/1/2012 # Copyright: (c) dslamb 2012 # Licence: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python def __init__(self): self.label = "Delaunay Triangles (Polygon and Point)" self.description = "Create Delaunay Triangles from polygon centroids and points port of" def getParameterInfo(self): #Define parameter definitions # Input Points for the From - to geometry in_features = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Input Points or Polygons", name="in_features", datatype="Feature Layer", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") in_features.filter.list = ["Polygon", "Point"] out_features = arcpy.Parameter( displayName = "Output Workspace", name="out_features", datatype="Workspace", parameterType ="Required", direction="Input" ) out_name = arcpy.Parameter( displayName = "Output Name", name ="out_name", datatype = "String", parameterType="Required", direction="Input" ) params = [in_features,out_features,out_name] return params def updateParameters(self, params): """Modify the values and properties of parameters before internal validation is performed. This method is called whenever a parmater has been changed.""" def updateMessages(self, parameters): """Modify the messages created by internal validation for each tool parameter. This method is called after internal validation.""" ## if parameters[0].value: ## fc= parameters[0].value ## desc = arcpy.Describe(fc) ## if hasattr(desc, "spatialReference"): ## if desc.spatialReference.PCSCode == 0: ## parameters[0].setErrorMessage("Should be a projected coordinate system (not latitude and longitude).") def execute(self, parameters, messages): try: inFeatures = parameters[0].valueAsText arcpy.env.workspace = parameters[1].valueAsText outName = parameters[2].valueAsText arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True desc = arcpy.Describe(inFeatures) outFC = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(arcpy.env.workspace,outName, "POLYLINE", spatial_reference=desc.spatialReference) outFS = arcpy.FeatureSet(outFC) inFS = arcpy.FeatureSet(inFeatures) sc = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(inFS, ["SHAPE@XY"]) pnts = [] i = 0 for row in sc: pnt = Node(i, 0,i) pnt.x = row[0][0] pnt.y = row[0][1] pnts.append(pnt) i+=1 triangles = Delaunay.triangulatePoints(pnts) ic = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outFC,["SHAPE@"]) for e in triangles: arr = arcpy.Array() arr.add(arcpy.Point(e.node1.x, e.node1.y)) arr.add(arcpy.Point(e.node2.x, e.node2.y)) arr.add(arcpy.Point(e.node3.x, e.node3.y)) arr.add(arcpy.Point(e.node1.x, e.node1.y)) ic.insertRow([arcpy.Polyline(arr)]) del ic except: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) msgs = "ArcPy ERRORS:\n" + arcpy.GetMessages(2) + "\n" arcpy.AddError("While building a relationship list the following errors occured:") arcpy.AddError(pymsg) arcpy.AddError(msgs) class createDelaunayTrianglesPolylines(object): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: delauney triangulation polylines # Purpose: # # Python Port of Paul Bourke original C implementation, and Morten Nielsen's # Dot Net port # Author: David S Lamb # # Created: 11/1/2012 # Copyright: (c) dslamb 2012 # Licence: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python def __init__(self): self.label = "Delaunay Triangles (Polyline)" self.description = "Create Delaunay Triangles from polyline points port of" def getParameterInfo(self): #Define parameter definitions # Input Points for the From - to geometry in_features = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Input Points or Polygons", name="in_features", datatype="Feature Layer", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") in_features.filter.list = ["Polyline"] out_features = arcpy.Parameter( displayName = "Output Workspace", name="out_features", datatype="Workspace", parameterType ="Required", direction="Input" ) out_name = arcpy.Parameter( displayName = "Output Name", name ="out_name", datatype = "String", parameterType="Required", direction="Input" ) params = [in_features,out_features,out_name] return params def updateParameters(self, params): """Modify the values and properties of parameters before internal validation is performed. This method is called whenever a parmater has been changed.""" def updateMessages(self, parameters): """Modify the messages created by internal validation for each tool parameter. This method is called after internal validation.""" if parameters[0].value: fc= parameters[0].value desc = arcpy.Describe(fc) if hasattr(desc, "spatialReference"): if desc.spatialReference.PCSCode == 0: parameters[0].setErrorMessage("Should be a projected coordinate system (not latitude and longitude).") def execute(self, parameters, messages): try: inFeatures = parameters[0].valueAsText outFeatures = parameters[1].valueAsText outName = parameters[2].valueAsText arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True desc = arcpy.Describe(inFeatures) outFC = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(outFeatures,outName, "POLYLINE", spatial_reference=desc.spatialReference) outFS = arcpy.FeatureSet(outFC) inFS = arcpy.FeatureSet(inFeatures) sc = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(inFS, ["SHAPE@"]) pnts = [] i = 0 xD = {} for row in sc: for part in row[0]: for p in part: pnt = Node(i, 0,i) pnt.x = p.X pnt.y = p.Y add = True if xD.has_key(str(pnt.x) + "|" + str(pnt.y)): add = False if add: pnts.append(pnt) i+=1 xD[str(pnt.x) + "|" + str(pnt.y)] = True triangles = Delaunay.triangulatePoints(pnts) ic = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outFC,["SHAPE@"]) for e in triangles: arr = arcpy.Array() arr.add(arcpy.Point(e.node1.x, e.node1.y)) arr.add(arcpy.Point(e.node2.x, e.node2.y)) arr.add(arcpy.Point(e.node3.x, e.node3.y)) arr.add(arcpy.Point(e.node1.x, e.node1.y)) ic.insertRow([arcpy.Polyline(arr)]) del ic except: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) msgs = "ArcPy ERRORS:\n" + arcpy.GetMessages(2) + "\n" arcpy.AddError("While building a relationship list the following errors occured:") arcpy.AddError(pymsg) arcpy.AddError(msgs) class createVoronoiTesselation(object): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: voronoi based on delaunay # Purpose: # # Python Port of Paul Bourke original C implementation, and Morten Nielsen's # Dot Net port # based on #@author Nicolas Barradeau #@website # Author: David S Lamb # # Created: 11/1/2012 # Copyright: (c) dslamb 2012 # Licence: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python def __init__(self): self.label = "Voronoi Tesselation (Polygon and Point)" self.description = "Voronoi tesselation" def getParameterInfo(self): #Define parameter definitions # Input Points for the From - to geometry in_features = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Input Points or Polygons", name="in_features", datatype="Feature Layer", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") in_features.filter.list = ["Polygon", "Point"] out_features = arcpy.Parameter( displayName = "Output Workspace", name="out_features", datatype="Workspace", parameterType ="Required", direction="Input" ) out_name = arcpy.Parameter( displayName = "Output Name", name ="out_name", datatype = "String", parameterType="Required", direction="Input" ) params = [in_features,out_features,out_name] return params def updateParameters(self, params): """Modify the values and properties of parameters before internal validation is performed. This method is called whenever a parmater has been changed.""" def updateMessages(self, parameters): """Modify the messages created by internal validation for each tool parameter. This method is called after internal validation.""" ## if parameters[0].value: ## fc= parameters[0].value ## desc = arcpy.Describe(fc) ## if hasattr(desc, "spatialReference"): ## if desc.spatialReference.PCSCode == 0: ## parameters[0].setErrorMessage("Should be a projected coordinate system (not latitude and longitude).") def execute(self, parameters, messages): ## try: inFeatures = parameters[0].valueAsText outFeatures = parameters[1].valueAsText outName = parameters[2].valueAsText arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True desc = arcpy.Describe(inFeatures) arcpy.AddMessage( outFC = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(outFeatures,outName, "POLYGON", spatial_reference=desc.spatialReference) outFCirmcum = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(outFeatures,outName+"_circumcircle", "POLYGON", spatial_reference=desc.spatialReference) ##outFCPoints = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(outFeatures,outName+"_points", "POINT", spatial_reference=desc.spatialReference) outFS = arcpy.FeatureSet(outFC) inFS = arcpy.FeatureSet(inFeatures) arcpy.AddMessage(inFeatures) sc = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(inFS, ["SHAPE@XY"]) pnts = [] i = 0 minX = 10000000000.0*10.0 minY = 10000000000.0*10.0 maxX = 0.0 maxY = 0.0 for row in sc: pnt = Node(i, 0,i) pnt.x = row[0][0] pnt.y = row[0][1] if pnt.x < minX: minX = pnt.x if pnt.x > maxX: maxX = pnt.x if pnt.y < minY: minY = pnt.y if pnt.y > maxY: maxY = pnt.y pnts.append(pnt) i+=1 minX -= (maxX - minX)*.1 maxX += (maxX - minX)*.1 minY -= (maxY - minY)*.1 maxY += (maxY - minY)*.1 ext = arcpy.Extent(minX,minY,maxX, maxY) pnt = Node(len(pnts), 0,len(pnts)) pnt.x = ext.lowerLeft.X - (maxX - minX)*.5 pnt.y = ext.lowerLeft.Y - (maxY - minY)*.5 pnts.append(pnt) pnt = Node(len(pnts), 0,len(pnts)) pnt.x = ext.upperLeft.X - (maxX - minX)*.5 pnt.y = ext.upperLeft.Y + (maxY - minY)*.5 pnts.append(pnt) pnt = Node(len(pnts), 0,len(pnts)) pnt.x = ext.lowerRight.X + (maxX - minX)*.5 pnt.y = ext.lowerRight.Y - (maxY - minY)*.5 pnts.append(pnt) pnt = Node(len(pnts), 0,len(pnts)) pnt.x = ext.upperRight.X + (maxX - minX)*.5 pnt.y = ext.upperRight.Y + (maxY - minY)*.5 pnts.append(pnt) polys = [] with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outFC, ["SHAPE@"]) as ic: triangles = Delaunay.triangulatePoints(pnts) for n in pnts: basePoly = [] for t in triangles: if t.nodePartOfTriangle(n): c = utils.circleFromTriangle(t) pnt = arcpy.Point(c.centerX, c.centerY) #if ext.contains(pnt): basePoly.append(pnt) angles = [] if len(basePoly)<2: continue for j in basePoly: angles.append(math.atan2(j.Y-n.y, j.X - n.x) + math.pi * 2) for j in range(0,len(basePoly)-1): for k in range(0, len(basePoly)-1-j): if (angles[k] > angles[k+1]): p1 = basePoly[k] basePoly[k] = basePoly[k+1] basePoly[k+1] = p1 tangle = angles[k] angles[k] = angles[k+1] angles[k+1] = tangle pArray = arcpy.Array() for j in basePoly: pArray.add(j) pgon = arcpy.Polygon(pArray) ic.insertRow([pgon.clip(ext)]) with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outFCirmcum, ["SHAPE@"]) as ic: triangles = Delaunay.triangulatePoints(pnts) for t in triangles: c = utils.circleFromTriangle(t) pnt = arcpy.Point(c.centerX, c.centerY) if ext.contains(pnt): buff = arcpy.PointGeometry(pnt).buffer(c.radius) ic.insertRow([buff]) class lambCircular(object): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: circular cartogram # Purpose: # # sources: # # # # # # Author: David S Lamb # # Created: 11/1/2012 # Copyright: (c) dslamb 2012 # Licence: #----------------------- def __init__(self): self.label = "Circular Cartogram (PRISM)" self.description = "Generates a circular cartogram using PRoxImity Stress Model (PRISM) algorithm for layout." def updateParameters(self, params): """Modify the values and properties of parameters before internal validation is performed. This method is called whenever a parmater has been changed.""" return def updateMessages(self, parameters): """Modify the messages created by internal validation for each tool parameter. This method is called after internal validation.""" if parameters[0].value: fc= parameters[0].value desc = arcpy.Describe(fc) if hasattr(desc, "spatialReference"): if desc.spatialReference.PCSCode == 0: parameters[0].setErrorMessage("Should be a projected coordinate system (not latitude and longitude).") def getParameterInfo(self): in_features = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Input Features", name="in_features", datatype="Feature Layer", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") in_features.filter.list = ["Polygon", "Point"] value_field = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Value Field", name="value_field", datatype="Field", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") value_field.value = "value" value_field.parameterDependencies = [] id_field = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="ID Field", name="id_field", datatype="Field", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") id_field.value = "id" id_field.parameterDependencies = [] out_ws= arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Output workspace", name="out_workspace", datatype="Workspace", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") out_fn= arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Output Filename", name="out_fn", datatype="String", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") parameters =[in_features, value_field, id_field, out_ws, out_fn] return parameters def execute(self, parameters, messages): try: inFeatures = parameters[0].valueAsText valnm = parameters[1].valueAsText idnm = parameters[1].valueAsText outName = parameters[4].valueAsText arcpy.env.workspace = parameters[3].value arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True desc = arcpy.Describe(inFeatures) valFld = None idFld = None for fld in arcpy.ListFields(inFeatures): if == valnm: valFld = fld if == idnm: idFld = fld if valFld and idFld: arcpy.AddMessage("Fields Exist") arcpy.AddMessage(arcpy.env.workspace) outFC = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(arcpy.env.workspace,outName, "POLYGON", spatial_reference=desc.spatialReference) arcpy.AddField_management(outFC,, valFld.type, valFld.precision, valFld.scale, valFld.length) arcpy.AddField_management(outFC,, idFld.type, idFld.precision, idFld.scale, idFld.length) inFS = arcpy.FeatureSet(inFeatures) clause = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(inFeatures, + " > 0" sc = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(inFS, ["SHAPE@XY",,],where_clause=clause) nodes = [] i = 0 t_dist = 0 t_radius = 0 for row in sc: nd = Node(i, row[2], row[1]) nd.radius = math.sqrt(nd.value/math.pi) t_radius += nd.radius nd.x = row[0][0] nd.y = row[0][1] nodes.append(nd) i+=1 scale = max((desc.extent.XMax-desc.extent.XMin),(desc.extent.YMax-desc.extent.YMin)) / t_radius for n in nodes: n.radius *= scale arcpy.AddMessage(str(len(nodes))) testPSM = True while testPSM: G,tri = utils.buildDelaunayGraph(nodes) d = G.getNodes() psm = 0.0 for n in d.iterkeys(): node = d[n] for k in node.getNeighbors().iterkeys(): other = G.getNode(k) dist = max(node.getNeighbors()[k], 0.000001) #fac = float(node.radius + other.radius)/(dist) try: fac = float(node.radius+other.radius)/dist#(node.radius + other.radius)/dist hfac = float(node.radius+other.radius)/dist except ZeroDivisionError: fac = float(node.radius+other.radius)/.0000001#(node.radius + other.radius)/dist hfac = float(node.radius+other.radius)/.0000001 fac = min(fac,hfac) tij = max(fac, 1) smax = 1.5 sij = min(tij, smax) dij = sij*dist if dist >0: newX = node.x + (other.x-node.x) / dist * dij newY = node.y + (other.y-node.y) / dist * dij other.disp_x +=newX - other.x other.disp_y += newY - other.y psm += (1/(dist*dist)) * ((dist-dij)*(dist-dij)) arcpy.AddMessage("Current psm %s"%(psm)) nodes = [] for n in d.iterkeys(): node = d[n] node.x += node.disp_x node.y += node.disp_y node.disp_x = 0.0 node.disp_y = 0.0 node.clearNeighbors() nodes.append(node) if psm >= 0.000001: testPSM = True else: testPSM = False #check for overlaps amongst everything testPSM = True while testPSM: G, tri = utils.buildDelaunayGraph(nodes) d = G.getNodes() psm = 0.0 for n in d.iterkeys(): node = d[n] for k in d.iterkeys(): if n!=k: other = G.getNode(k) dist = max(utils.lengthBetweenNodes(node,other), 0.000001) #fac = float(node.radius + other.radius)/(dist)#(node.radius + other.radius)/dist try: fac = float(node.radius+other.radius)/dist#(node.radius + other.radius)/dist hfac = float(node.radius+other.radius)/dist except ZeroDivisionError: fac = float(node.radius+other.radius)/.0000001#(node.radius + other.radius)/dist hfac = float(node.radius+other.radius)/.0000001 fac = min(fac,hfac) tij = max(fac, 1) smax = 1.5 sij = min(tij, smax) dij = sij*dist if dist >0: newX = node.x + (other.x-node.x) / dist * dij newY = node.y + (other.y-node.y) / dist * dij other.disp_x +=newX - other.x other.disp_y += newY - other.y psm += (1/(dist*dist)) * ((dist-dij)*(dist-dij)) arcpy.AddMessage("Second loop psm %s"%(psm)) nodes = [] for n in d.iterkeys(): node = d[n] node.x += node.disp_x node.y += node.disp_y node.disp_x = 0.0 node.disp_y = 0.0 node.clearNeighbors() nodes.append(node) if psm >= 0.000001: testPSM = True else: testPSM = False ic = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outFC, ["SHAPE@",,]) for n in nodes: pnt = arcpy.Point(n.x, n.y) buf = arcpy.PointGeometry(pnt).buffer(n.radius) #arcpy.AddMessage(buf) ic.insertRow([buf, n.altid, n.value]) del ic except: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) msgs = "ArcPy ERRORS:\n" + arcpy.GetMessages(2) + "\n" arcpy.AddError("While creating a circular cartogram the following errors occured:") arcpy.AddError(pymsg) arcpy.AddError(msgs) class nonContigousCartogram(object): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: nonContiguous cartogram # Purpose: Creates a nonContiguous cartogram # # Author: David S Lamb # # Created: 11/1/2012 # Copyright: (c) dslamb 2012 # Licence: #----------------------- def __init__(self): self.label = "Noncontiguous Cartogram" self.description = "Generates a noncontiguous cartogram (scales polygons according to the value), then uses PRoxImity Stress Model (PRISM) algorithm for layout." self.count = 0 def updateParameters(self, params): """Modify the values and properties of parameters before internal validation is performed. This method is called whenever a parmater has been changed.""" return def updateMessages(self, parameters): """Modify the messages created by internal validation for each tool parameter. This method is called after internal validation.""" if parameters[0].value: fc= parameters[0].value desc = arcpy.Describe(fc) if hasattr(desc, "spatialReference"): if desc.spatialReference.PCSCode == 0: parameters[0].setErrorMessage("Should be a projected coordinate system (not latitude and longitude).") return def getParameterInfo(self): in_features = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Input Features", name="in_features", datatype="Feature Layer", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") in_features.filter.list = ["Polygon"] value_field = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Value Field", name="value_field", datatype="Field", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") value_field.parameterDependencies = [] id_field = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="ID Field", name="id_field", datatype="Field", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") id_field.parameterDependencies = [] out_ws= arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Output workspace", name="out_workspace", datatype="Workspace", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") out_fn= arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Output Filename", name="out_fn", datatype="String", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") outline_bool = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Use feature extent instead of shape", name="outline_bool", datatype="Boolean", parameterType="Optional", direction="Input") parameters =[in_features, value_field, id_field, out_ws, out_fn,outline_bool] return parameters def execute(self, parameters, messages): try: inFeatures = parameters[0].valueAsText valnm = parameters[1].valueAsText idnm = parameters[2].valueAsText arcpy.env.workspace = parameters[3].valueAsText outName = parameters[4].valueAsText outline = parameters[5].value arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True desc = arcpy.Describe(inFeatures) valFld = None idFld = None for fld in arcpy.ListFields(inFeatures): if == valnm: valFld = fld if == idnm: idFld = fld if valFld and idFld: arcpy.AddMessage("Fields Exist") arcpy.AddMessage( outFC = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(arcpy.env.workspace,outName, "POLYGON", spatial_reference=desc.spatialReference) arcpy.AddField_management(outFC,, valFld.type, valFld.precision, valFld.scale, valFld.length) arcpy.AddField_management(outFC,, idFld.type, idFld.precision, idFld.scale, idFld.length) inFS = arcpy.FeatureSet(inFeatures) clause = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(inFeatures, + " > 0" sc = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(inFS, ["SHAPE@XY","SHAPE@",,],where_clause=clause) nodes = [] i = 0 maxValue = 0.0 maxArea = 0.0 minArea = 0.0 minValue = math.pow(10,10) for row in sc: nd = Node(i, row[3], row[2]) if nd.value > maxValue: maxValue = nd.value if nd.value < minValue: minValue = nd.value nd.x = row[0][0] nd.y = row[0][1] nd.o_x = nd.x nd.o_y = nd.y nd.geometry = row[1] if nd.geometry.area > maxArea: maxArea = nd.geometry.area nodes.append(nd) i+=1 minArea = (float(minValue) / maxValue) * maxArea arcpy.AddMessage("Resizing Geometry...") for n in nodes: n.radius = (float(n.value) / maxValue) * maxArea n.scale_fact = math.sqrt(float(n.radius)/n.geometry.area) n.geometry = utils.resizeGeometry(n.geometry, n.scale_fact, minArea) if n.geometry: n.x = n.o_x = n.geometry.centroid.X n.y = n.o_y = n.geometry.centroid.Y n.width = n.geometry.extent.XMax - n.x n.height = n.geometry.extent.YMax - n.y arcpy.AddMessage("Improving Layout...") testPSM = True origG, tri = utils.buildDelaunayGraph(nodes) while testPSM: G,tri = utils.buildDelaunayGraph(nodes) d = G.getNodes() psm = 0.0 for n in d.iterkeys(): node = d[n] for k in node.getNeighbors().iterkeys(): other = G.getNode(k) dist = max(utils.lengthBetweenNodes(node,other), 0.000001) try: fac = float(node.width + other.width )/abs(node.x - other.x) #abs(node.x - other.x)#(node.radius + other.radius)/dist except ZeroDivisionError: fac = 1.5 try: hfac = float(node.height + other.height)/abs(node.y - other.y) #abs(node.y - other.y) except ZeroDivisionError: hfac = 1.5 fac = min(float(fac),hfac) tij = max(float(fac), 1.0) smax = 1.5 sij = min(tij, smax) dij = sij*dist if dist >0: newX = node.x + (other.x-node.x) / dist * dij newY = node.y + (other.y-node.y) / dist * dij other.disp_x +=newX - other.x other.disp_y += newY - other.y psm += (1/(dij*dij)) * ((dist-dij)*(dist-dij)) arcpy.AddMessage("Current psm %s"%(psm)) nodes = [] for n in d.iterkeys(): node = d[n] node.x += node.disp_x node.y += node.disp_y node.disp_x = 0.0 node.disp_y = 0.0 node.clearNeighbors() nodes.append(node) if psm >= 0.00000000001: testPSM = True else: testPSM = False #check for overlaps amongst everything testPSM = True while testPSM: G, tri = utils.buildDelaunayGraph(nodes) d = G.getNodes() psm = 0.0 for n in d.iterkeys(): node = d[n] #nodeExt = utils.extentToPolygon(node) for k in d.iterkeys(): if n!=k: other = d[k] if node.geometry and other.geometry: if node.geometry.overlaps(other.geometry): G.addUndirectedEdge(,, utils.lengthBetweenNodes(node, other)) d = G.getNodes() for n in d.iterkeys(): node = d[n] for k in node.getNeighbors().iterkeys(): other = G.getNode(k) dist = max(utils.lengthBetweenNodes(node,other), 0.000001) try: fac = float(node.width + other.width )/abs(node.x - other.x) #abs(node.x - other.x)#(node.radius + other.radius)/dist except ZeroDivisionError: fac = 1.5 try: hfac = float(node.height + other.height)/abs(node.y - other.y) #abs(node.y - other.y) except ZeroDivisionError: hfac = 1.5 fac = min(float(fac),hfac) tij = max(float(fac), 1.0) smax = 1.5 sij = min(tij, smax) dij = sij*dist if dist >0: newX = node.x + (other.x-node.x) / dist * dij newY = node.y + (other.y-node.y) / dist * dij other.disp_x +=newX - other.x other.disp_y += newY - other.y psm += (float(1)/(dij*dij)) * ((dist-dij)*(dist-dij)) arcpy.AddMessage("Current psm %s"%(psm)) nodes = [] for n in d.iterkeys(): node = d[n] node.x += node.disp_x node.y += node.disp_y node.disp_x = 0.0 node.disp_y = 0.0 node.clearNeighbors() nodes.append(node) if psm >= 0.00000000001: testPSM = True else: testPSM = False ic = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outFC, ["SHAPE@",,]) for n in nodes: if not outline: if n.geometry: n.geometry = utils.moveGeometry(n.geometry, n.o_x-n.x, n.o_y-n.y) if n.geometry: ic.insertRow([n.geometry, n.altid,n.value]) else: arr = arcpy.Array() arr.add(arcpy.Point(n.x - n.width, n.y-n.height)) arr.add(arcpy.Point(n.x - n.width, n.y+n.height)) arr.add(arcpy.Point(n.x + n.width, n.y+n.height)) arr.add(arcpy.Point(n.x + n.width, n.y-n.height)) arr.add(arcpy.Point(n.x - n.width, n.y-n.height)) ic.insertRow([arcpy.Polygon(arr), n.altid,n.value]) del ic except: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) msgs = "ArcPy ERRORS:\n" + arcpy.GetMessages(2) + "\n" arcpy.AddError("While creating a Noncontiguous Cartogram the following errors occured:") arcpy.AddError(pymsg) arcpy.AddError(msgs) class createQuadtree(object): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: Point Quadtree # Purpose: Create Quadtree from points # # Author: David S Lamb # # Created: 11/16/2012 # Copyright: (c) dslamb 2012 # Licence: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python def __init__(self): self.label = "Quadtree" self.description = "Create Quadtree (slow for a large number of points)" def getParameterInfo(self): #Define parameter definitions # Input Points for the From - to geometry in_features = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Input Points or Polygons", name="in_features", datatype="Feature Layer", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") in_features.filter.list = ["Point"] out_features = arcpy.Parameter( displayName = "Output Workspace", name="out_features", datatype="Workspace", parameterType ="Required", direction="Input" ) out_name = arcpy.Parameter( displayName = "Output Name", name ="out_name", datatype = "String", parameterType="Required", direction="Input" ) params = [in_features,out_features,out_name] return params def updateParameters(self, params): """Modify the values and properties of parameters before internal validation is performed. This method is called whenever a parmater has been changed.""" def updateMessages(self, parameters): """Modify the messages created by internal validation for each tool parameter. This method is called after internal validation.""" if parameters[0].value: fc= parameters[0].value desc = arcpy.Describe(fc) if hasattr(desc, "spatialReference"): if desc.spatialReference.PCSCode == 0: parameters[0].setErrorMessage("Should be a projected coordinate system (not latitude and longitude).") def execute(self, parameters, messages): ##try: inFeatures = parameters[0].valueAsText arcpy.env.workspace = parameters[1].valueAsText outName = parameters[2].valueAsText arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True desc = arcpy.Describe(inFeatures) outFC = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(arcpy.env.workspace,outName, "POLYGON", spatial_reference=desc.spatialReference) arcpy.AddField_management(outFC, "ADDR", "TEXT", field_length=150) outFS = arcpy.FeatureSet(outFC) inFS = arcpy.FeatureSet(inFeatures) sc = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(inFS, ["SHAPE@XY"]) pnts = [] for row in sc: pnts.append(arcpy.Point(row[0][0],row[0][1])) G = utils.buildPointQuadTree(pnts) ic = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outFC,["SHAPE@", "ADDR"]) for k in G.getNodes(): n = G.getNodes()[k] ic.insertRow([n.geometry,]) del ic ## except: ## tb = sys.exc_info()[2] ## tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] ## ## # Concatenate information together concerning the error into a message string ## # ## pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) ## msgs = "ArcPy ERRORS:\n" + arcpy.GetMessages(2) + "\n" ## ## # Return python error messages for use in script tool or Python Window ## # ## arcpy.AddError("While creating a quadtree the following errors occured:") ## arcpy.AddError(pymsg) ## arcpy.AddError(msgs) ##========================Classes======================================= class relationObject(object): def __init__(self, ident, value): self.ident = ident self.orig_x = 0.0 self.orig_y = 0.0 self.value = value self.boundaries = {} self.radius = 0.0 self.new_x = 0.0 self.new_y = 0.0 self.perimeter = 0.0 self.buffer = arcpy.Geometry() self.disp_x = 0.0 self.disp_y = 0.0 def addBoundary(self,ident,length): if not self.boundaries.has_key(ident): self.boundaries[ident]=length def getArcPointGeometry(self): return arcpy.PointGeometry(arcpy.Point(self.new_x, self.new_y)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: delauney triangulation # Purpose: # # Python Port of Paul Bourke original C implementation, and Morten Nielsen's # Dot Net port # Author: David S Lamb # # Created: 11/1/2012 # Copyright: (c) dslamb 2012 # Licence: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python class Delaunay(object): @staticmethod def triangulatePoints(pnts): """pnts - list of nodes""" i = 0 j = 0 nv = len(pnts) if nv < 3: return None trimax = 4 * nv; xmin = pnts[0].x ymin = pnts[0].y xmax = xmin ymax = ymin vertex = {} for p in pnts: vertex[] = p if (vertex[].x < xmin): xmin = vertex[].x if (vertex[].x > xmax): xmax = vertex[].x if (vertex[].y < ymin): ymin = vertex[].y if (vertex[].y > ymax): ymax = vertex[].y i = 0 dx = xmax - xmin dy = ymax - ymin dmax = 0 if dx>dy: dmax = dx else: dmax = dy xmid = (xmax + xmin)*0.5 ymid = (ymax + ymin) * 0.5 #create super triangle curID = nv vertex[curID] = Node(curID, 0, curID) vertex[curID].x = (xmid - 2 * dmax) vertex[curID].y = (ymid - dmax) curID = nv + 1 vertex[curID] = Node(curID, 0, curID) vertex[curID].x = xmid vertex[curID].y = (ymid + 2 * dmax) curID = nv + 2 vertex[curID] = Node(curID, 0, curID) vertex[curID].x = (xmid + 2 * dmax) vertex[curID].y = (ymid - dmax) triangles = [] triangles.append(DelaunayTriangle(vertex[nv],vertex[nv+1],vertex[nv+2])) #add each point to existing mesh i=0 for i in range(nv): dEdges = [] j = 0 for j in range(len(triangles)-1,-1,-1): try: t=triangles[j] if (Delaunay.InCircle(vertex[i], triangles[j].node1, triangles[j].node2, triangles[j].node3)): dEdges.append(DelaunayEdge(t.node1, t.node2)) dEdges.append(DelaunayEdge(t.node2, t.node3)) dEdges.append(DelaunayEdge(t.node3, t.node1)) del triangles[j] except: #arcpy.AddMessage( "out of range") continue if i >= nv: continue j = len(dEdges) - 2 toRemove ={} for j in range(len(dEdges)-2,-1,-1): for k in range(len(dEdges)-1,j,-1): if j!=k: if dEdges[j]==dEdges[k]: if not toRemove.has_key(j): toRemove[j]=True if not toRemove.has_key(k): toRemove[k]=True for j in sorted(toRemove.iterkeys(), reverse=True): try: del dEdges[j] except Exception as err: print err continue j = 0 for j in range(0,len(dEdges),1): if(len(triangles)>=trimax): pass #arcpy.AddMessage( "Exceed maximum Delaunay Edges") triangles.append(DelaunayTriangle(dEdges[j].startNode, dEdges[j].endNode, vertex[i])) dEdges = None i = len(triangles) - 1 while i >= 0: if (triangles[i] >= nv or triangles[i] >= nv or triangles[i]>=nv): del triangles[i] i-=1 del vertex[nv] del vertex[nv+1] del vertex[nv+2] return triangles @staticmethod def InCircle(node, node1, node2, node3): Epsilon = .0000000000001 if (math.fabs(node1.y - node2.y)= minArea: partsArray.add(pntArray) if partsArray.count > 0: if typ == "POLYGON": return arcpy.Polygon(partsArray) if type == "POLYLINE": return arcpy.Polyline(partsArray) return None @staticmethod def moveGeometry(geometry, xDisp, yDisp): """Shifts polygon and polyline geometry by the x and y displacement returns new geometry""" typ = string.upper(geometry.type) if typ == "POLYGON" or typ == "POLYLINE": partsArray = arcpy.Array() for part in geometry: pntArray = arcpy.Array() for pnt in part: newPoint = arcpy.Point(pnt.X - xDisp, pnt.Y - yDisp) pntArray.add(newPoint) partsArray.add(pntArray) if partsArray.count > 0: if typ == "POLYGON": return arcpy.Polygon(partsArray) if type == "POLYLINE": return arcpy.Polyline(partsArray) return None @staticmethod def extentToPolygon(n): arr = arcpy.Array() hw = float(n.geometry.extent.width) / 2 hh = float(n.geometry.extent.height) / 2 arr.add(arcpy.Point(n.x - hw, n.y-hw)) arr.add(arcpy.Point(n.x - hw, n.y+hw)) arr.add(arcpy.Point(n.x + hw, n.y+hw)) arr.add(arcpy.Point(n.x + hw, n.y-hw)) arr.add(arcpy.Point(n.x - hw, n.y-hw)) return arcpy.Polygon(arr) @staticmethod def buildPointQuadTree(pnts): """List of ArcPy Points""" xMax = 0.0 xMin = math.pow(10,10) yMax = 0.0 yMin = math.pow(10,10) for pnt in pnts: if pnt.X > xMax: xMax = pnt.X if pnt.X < xMin: xMin = pnt.X if pnt.Y > yMax: yMax = pnt.Y if pnt.Y < yMin: yMin = pnt.Y lleft = arcpy.Point(xMin, yMin) uleft = arcpy.Point(xMin, yMax) uright = arcpy.Point(xMax, yMax) lright = arcpy.Point(xMax, yMin) zerouleft = arcpy.Point(xMin, ((yMax - yMin)*.5 + yMin)) zerolright = arcpy.Point(((xMax - xMin)*.5 + xMin),yMin) zerouright = arcpy.Point(((xMax - xMin)*.5 + xMin), ((yMax - yMin)*.5 + yMin)) twouright = arcpy.Point(((xMax - xMin)*.5 + xMin), yMax) oneuright = arcpy.Point(xMax, ((yMax - yMin)*.5 + yMin)) G = Graph() n=G.addNode("root",0,-1) n.geometry = utils.build4Polygon(arcpy.Point(xMin, yMin), arcpy.Point(xMin, yMax), arcpy.Point(xMax, yMax), arcpy.Point(xMax, yMin)) n = G.addNode('0',0,0) n.geometry = utils.build4Polygon(lleft, zerouleft, zerouright, zerolright) G.addDirectedEdge("root", '0', 0) utils.recurseSplitQuads(G, n, pnts) n = G.addNode('1',0,1) n.geometry = utils.build4Polygon(zerolright, zerouright, oneuright, lright) G.addDirectedEdge("root", '1', 0) utils.recurseSplitQuads(G, n, pnts) n = G.addNode('2',0,1) n.geometry = utils.build4Polygon(zerouleft, uleft, twouright, zerouright) G.addDirectedEdge("root", '2', 0) utils.recurseSplitQuads(G, n, pnts) n = G.addNode('3',0,1) n.geometry = utils.build4Polygon(zerouright, twouright, uright, oneuright) G.addDirectedEdge("root", '3', 0) utils.recurseSplitQuads(G, n, pnts) return G @staticmethod def recurseSplitQuads(G, node, pnts): containerCount = 0 duplicate = {} for pnt in pnts: t = "%s|%s"%(pnt.X, pnt.Y) if not duplicate.has_key(t): if node.geometry.contains(pnt): containerCount += 1 duplicate[t] = True if containerCount > 1: xMax = node.geometry.extent.XMax xMin = node.geometry.extent.XMin yMax = node.geometry.extent.YMax yMin = node.geometry.extent.YMin lleft = arcpy.Point(xMin, yMin) uleft = arcpy.Point(xMin, yMax) uright = arcpy.Point(xMax, yMax) lright = arcpy.Point(xMax, yMin) zerouleft = arcpy.Point(xMin, ((yMax - yMin)*.5 + yMin)) zerolright = arcpy.Point(((xMax - xMin)*.5 + xMin),yMin) zerouright = arcpy.Point(((xMax - xMin)*.5 + xMin), ((yMax - yMin)*.5 + yMin)) twouright = arcpy.Point(((xMax - xMin)*.5 + xMin), yMax) oneuright = arcpy.Point(xMax, ((yMax - yMin)*.5 + yMin)) arcpy.AddMessage("\n""\n") n = G.addNode( + '0',0,0) n.geometry = utils.build4Polygon(lleft, zerouleft, zerouright, zerolright) arcpy.AddMessage( G.addDirectedEdge(,, 0) utils.recurseSplitQuads(G,n, pnts) n = G.addNode( + '1',0,1) n.geometry = utils.build4Polygon(zerolright, zerouright, oneuright, lright) arcpy.AddMessage( G.addDirectedEdge(,, 0) utils.recurseSplitQuads(G, n, pnts) n = G.addNode( + '2',0,1) n.geometry = utils.build4Polygon(zerouleft, uleft, twouright, zerouright) arcpy.AddMessage( G.addDirectedEdge(,, 0) utils.recurseSplitQuads(G, n, pnts) n = G.addNode( + '3',0,1) arcpy.AddMessage( n.geometry = utils.build4Polygon(zerouright, twouright, uright, oneuright) G.addDirectedEdge(,, 0) utils.recurseSplitQuads(G, n, pnts) else: return True return True @staticmethod def build4Polygon(pnt1, pnt2, pnt3, pnt4): try: arr = arcpy.Array() arr.add(pnt1) arr.add(pnt2) arr.add(pnt3) arr.add(pnt4) arr.add(pnt1) return arcpy.Polygon(arr) except: return none @staticmethod def minimalSpanningTree(G, startNode): """From Python Algorithms by Magnus Lie Hetland. Listing 7-5 Prim's Algorithm page 167""" previous = {} queue = [(0,None,] while queue: _, p, n = heappop(queue) if n in previous: continue previous[n] = p node = G.getNode(n) print node if node: print neighbors = node.getNeighbors() for k in neighbors.iterkeys(): length = node.getNeighbors()[k] heappush(queue,(length, n, spanningG = Graph() for id in G.getNodes().iterkeys(): spanningG.addNode(id) for k in previous.iterkeys(): p = previous[k] if p: spanningG.addDirectedEdge(p, k, utils.lengthBetweenNodes(spanningG.getNode(p), spanningG.getNode(k))) return previous, spanningG @staticmethod def Dijkstra(G,start,end=None): D = {} # dictionary of final distances P = {} # dictionary of previous nodes Q = [(0,None,start)] # heapq for tuple(distance, predecessors, and node)...start with first node, no predecessors while Q: dist,pred,v = heappop(Q) #pop priority node...distance sets priority if v in D: continue # Check that a node distance hasn't been added yet D[v] = dist #node distance P[v] = pred cNeighbors = G.getNode( for w in cNeighbors: #loop through neighbors heappush(Q, (D[v] + cNeighbors[w], v, G.getNode( #push priority distance return (D,P) #return distances and predecessors. You use the predecessors to get path. @staticmethod def shortestPath(G,start,end): D,P = utils.Dijkstra(G,start,end) #calculate the shortest path, get distance and nodes Path = [] while 1: Path.append( if end == start: break end = P[end] Path.reverse() return Path @staticmethod def buildDelaunayGraph(nodes): G = Graph() triangles = Delaunay.triangulatePoints(nodes) for n in nodes: G.addNodeClass(n) for e in triangles: G.addNodeClass(e.node1) G.addNodeClass(e.node2) G.addNodeClass(e.node3) G.addUndirectedEdge(,, utils.lengthBetweenNodes(e.node1, e.node2)) G.addUndirectedEdge(,, utils.lengthBetweenNodes(e.node2, e.node3)) G.addUndirectedEdge(,, utils.lengthBetweenNodes(e.node3, e.node1)) return G,triangles @staticmethod def getBisector(node1, node2, length): """Perpendicular bisector between two nodes, returns tuple of arcpy points""" m = float(node1.y - node2.y)/float(node1.x - node2.x) invM = float(-1)/m midX = float(node1.x + node2.x)/2 midY = float(node1.y + node2.y)/2 newNode = arcpy.Point() newNode2 = arcpy.Point() newNode.X = midX + (float(length) / math.sqrt(1 + invM*invM)) newNode.Y = midY + (invM * length / math.sqrt(1+invM*invM)) newNode2.X = midX - (float(length) / math.sqrt(1 + invM*invM)) newNode2.Y = midY - (invM * length / math.sqrt(1+invM*invM)) return (newNode,newNode2) @staticmethod def pointIntersection(node11, node12, node21, node22): """arcpy points returns arcpy point, or None""" m1 = (node11.Y - node12.Y)/(node11.X - node12.X) m2 = (node21.Y - node22.Y)/(node21.X - node22.X) if (m1 != m2): if m1 and m2: b1 = node11.Y -(m1 * node11.X) b2 = node21.Y - (m2 * node21.X) x = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2) y = (m1 * x) + b1 return arcpy.Point(x,y) else: return None @staticmethod def circleFromTriangle(dt1): """delaunay triangles, returns circle class""" ax = dt1.node1.x ay = dt1.node1.y bx = dt1.node2.x by = dt1.node2.y cx = dt1.node3.x cy = dt1.node3.y D = 2.0 * (ax*(by-cy)+bx*(cy-ay)+cx*(ay-by)) a = utils.lengthBetweenNodes(dt1.node1, dt1.node2) b = utils.lengthBetweenNodes(dt1.node2, dt1.node3) c = utils.lengthBetweenNodes(dt1.node3, dt1.node1) circ = circle() circ.centerX = float((ax*ax+ay*ay)*(by-cy)+(bx*bx+by*by)*(cy-ay)+(cx*cx+cy*cy)*(ay-by)) / D circ.centerY = float((ax*ax+ay*ay)*(cx-bx)+(bx*bx+by*by)*(ax-cx)+(cx*cx+cy*cy)*(bx-ax)) / D circ.radius = float(a*b*c)/math.sqrt((a+b+c)*(b+c-a)*(c+a-b)*(a+b-c)) return circ @staticmethod def voronoiPolygons(pnts,ext): """list of nodes (node class), arcpy extent object, returns list of pnts that create a polygon""" triangles = Delaunay.triangulatePoints(pnts) polygons = {} for n in pnts: basePoly = [] for t in triangles: if t.nodePartOfTriangle(n): c = utils.circleFromTriangle(t) pnt = arcpy.Point(c.centerX, c.centerY) #if ext.contains(pnt): basePoly.append(pnt) angles = [] if len(basePoly)<2: continue for j in basePoly: angles.append(math.atan2(j.Y-n.y, j.X - n.x) + math.pi * 2) for j in range(0,len(basePoly)-1): for k in range(0, len(basePoly)-1-j): if (angles[k] > angles[k+1]): p1 = basePoly[k] basePoly[k] = basePoly[k+1] basePoly[k+1] = p1 tangle = angles[k] angles[k] = angles[k+1] angles[k+1] = tangle pArray = arcpy.Array() for j in basePoly: pArray.add(j) pgon = arcpy.Polygon(pArray) clip = pgon.clip(ext) polygons[] = clip return polygons @staticmethod def signum(d): if d == 0.0: return 0.0 if d > 0.0: return 1.0 if d < 0.0: return -1.0